
2023-08-15 04:08:56 健康科普 45


Breast milk is widely recognized as the best source of nutrition for newborns and infants. It provides numerous health benefits and helps protect against various diseases. Many mothers choose to breastfeed their babies, but there are situations where expressing breast milk becomes necessary. However, some women may encounter difficulties when trying to express milk, even though their breasts seem to be producing an adequate amount. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this phenomenon and discuss possible solutions.

Insufficient Breast Stimulation

One common reason why mothers are unable to express milk effectively is insufficient breast stimulation. When a baby feeds directly from the breast, their suckling action stimulates the release of oxytocin, a hormone responsible for milk letdown. However, when using a breast pump or hand expressing, the stimulation may not be as effective. As a result, the milk flow may be slower or less abundant.

To overcome this issue, mothers can try different techniques to stimulate their breasts before expressing milk. Gentle massage or warm compresses can help increase blood flow to the breasts and enhance milk release. Additionally, finding a comfortable and relaxed environment while expressing can also promote milk letdown.

Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can significantly impact milk production and expression. High levels of stress can interfere with the release of oxytocin, making it difficult for milk to flow despite an adequate milk supply. Furthermore, some women may experience anxiety related to the process of expressing milk, especially if they are unsure about their ability to produce enough milk for their baby's needs.

To alleviate stress and anxiety, it is essential for mothers to take care of their mental well-being. Engaging in relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or listening to calming music can help reduce stress levels. Seeking support from loved ones, lactation consultants, or joining breastfeeding support groups can also provide reassurance and helpful tips.

Physical Factors

Some physical factors may contribute to the difficulty in expressing breast milk. For instance, certain medical conditions such as blocked milk ducts or mastitis can impede milk flow. In these cases, it is crucial to address the underlying issue to alleviate the problem. Seeking medical advice from a healthcare professional, such as a lactation consultant or doctor, can provide appropriate guidance and treatment options.

Additionally, the effectiveness of the breast pump or expressing technique itself may play a role. Not all pumps are suitable for every individual; finding the right type and size of a breast pump can make a significant difference in milk expression. Experimenting with different pump settings and techniques can also help improve milk flow and expression.


While it may be frustrating for some mothers to experience difficulties when expressing breast milk despite an apparently adequate milk supply, understanding the underlying reasons behind this phenomenon can help find effective solutions. Insufficient breast stimulation, stress and anxiety, and physical factors can all contribute to the problem. By implementing appropriate techniques and seeking support when needed, mothers can overcome these challenges and successfully express breast milk for their babies' nourishment.

